Be Humble

I honestly don’t know what to expect out of printing these tees. I started this journey several years ago only to wind up here with more questions that answers. All I can say is that I feel led here. There’s some deeper meaning and purpose to these T-shirts. While it hasn’t become startlingly clear to me yet, I know I’m being led and I know that even if they make the smallest of difference in the world than I’ll have achieved a purpose in my life.

So, I am more than excited to announce that after many months of planning, Holy Idea Tees has finally got its first branded tee off the ground:


This tee features a modern day Jesus with “Be Humble” tattooed on his knuckles. This is the first of what will hopefully be many tees featuring a modern day Jesus in various situations that will hopefully spur conversation, show a man people can emulate and improve the state of their hearts.

I think it’s important to note that this particular image has been chosen as the first. It’s important because I think RIGHT NOW, perhaps more than any time in our history as human beings, we need more humility in order to exist in unity with one another. With that being said, I would be an idiot to say we wouldn’t have needed more humility at any other point in human history but there’s no better time than the present.

But what’s the story behind this image? Well, first of all, I’m looking to modernize a Jesus character and tattoos are pretty modern day. If I am to challenge the concept of what Jesus would look and act like if he lived in the year 2018, then I think a tattoos are a good place to start. Would Jesus get tattooed? I kind of doubt it but I certainly don’t think he’d be opposed to it. Regardless, His tattoos knuckles are secondary to the true purpose of the T-shirt and that is to “Be Humble”

So, I ask you this question: What does it mean to “Be Humble”?

The best way I can explain it is “not having an excess of pride”, “placing less importance on yourself”, “quiet confidence” and “not being afraid to ask for forgiveness”.

One doesn’t have to travel far into the internet to get a grasp on the sickening pride and deadly egos that emanate from it. These words and images seep into the minds of all of us. Perhaps most disturbingly, into the minds of the next generation. You have to seek out the stories of hope, kindness and love. I want Holy Idea Tees to be one of the stories you have to seek out. With any luck and over time, these tees can be used as a small form of self expression from those of us who desire a world where love takes precedence over hate and where everyone can be seen as equal participants in this life.

In the end, we don’t have souls, we ARE souls. We’re just driving these bodies around until they give out. They are the greatest instrument we will EVER receive. Lets try and make a difference with them while we can. Start by wearing the modern day Jesus Be Humble tee. You might just start a conversation…

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A little over four years ago, I left my corporate job to pursue my own entrepreneurial dreams. On May 10 of this year, I posted a shot on Instagram of the building where I formerly worked with a caption stating the happiness I had over being my own boss, making my own decisions and basking in the sun instead of being trapped inside a building on a beautiful day.

After that post, in a sickening twist of fate, everything started to crumble around me. Things had been feeling unsteady, but I failed to heed the warning signs because I’m a stubborn SOB. I believed God would get me through because I trusted Him.

However, things did not get better. In the last several months I’ve taken one humbling hit after another. I’ve questioned everything about myself. On more than one occasion I’ve cried tears of shame, doubt, embarrassment, anxiety, hopelessness and frustration so deep my soul hurt. I can say without a second thought that this season in life has been my hardest.

Believe it or not, I’ve been running from God my whole life. I’ve “mailed in” my commitment hoping He might not notice. I’ve viewed Him as a stern, heavy-handed father much like my own earthly dad who tried to force me into being something I wasn’t. Because of who God felt like, I took His gentle calling on my life and shelved it. Instead of using His gift of entrepreneurialism to convey a modern day Jesus, I started flipping vintage tees for quick cash because it was easier and required less of myself all while using the name “Holy Idea Tees”. It worked for a little while and was profitable, but not sustainable. Now, in one more humbling hit, my return to Corporate America is inevitable so I can contribute what I promised financially to my family when I left the rat race four years ago.

As much as I hate to admit it, I thank God for allowing me to walk through the valley. We’ve become closer because of it. I’m beginning to believe that pain endured isn’t so much a consequence as it is the perfect gift He gives me so I have the strength to make it through life. I am becoming a better man because of my trials. I now feel ready to represent the company name. I have to be the best example of what I believe a modern day Jesus to be and not “mail in” my commitment. Now, as Holy Idea Tees gets closer to printing its first two tees, I can say that the name finally makes sense. It’s going to start conveying what it’s meant to do: the “Holy Idea” of modernizing Jesus.

Moving forward in life I know there will be more pain to endure. Life is not devoid of it. However, it’s interesting how being down can make you look up. I will still trust Him. I can find peace in that.


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Then you will always trust in God and find that he is the source of your joy – Job 22:26

Holy Idea Tees Crowdfunding Video Update #4: MOCK UPS!

I have some mock ups! Please let me know what you think so far in the comments. In the next couple days, I should have some actual “hard copies” to show you.

I wanted to let all of you know how thankful I am for the shares, thoughts, well-wishes and contributions you have all made. With the contributions, I can get the first round of tees printed, pay the web designer as well as the extremely talented artist who drew these images.

The crowdfunding is continuing through the end of this month so feel free to check out a more detailed account on what I’m trying to do. Lastly, but certainly not least, thank you to those of you who have made recent contributions.

Crowdfunding Video Update #3: BIG THANK YOU!!!

Happy Friday everyone! In this crowdfunding update, I wanted to take the time to thank those of you who have contributed! Additionally, I want to figure out a way for you to receive a return on your investment in this project regardless of donation amount! Sending hugs through the mail seems like the best option, but it’s hard to put a hug in an envelope. So, in the meantime, please accept this video as my method of saying thank you. If this really takes off, let this post serve as a contract that stock options for you are already in place. Thanks for believing in this idea and in me 🙂
Please feel free to share the video and if it’s something you feel like you can get behind, visit


It’s been a little while since I’ve posted. I know many of you check my blog every day for the latest on what I’m doing (*eye roll*) and for that I sincerely apologize. Life has been busy. Life has been hard. Life has been… well, life I guess. It’s had its ups. It’s had its downs. But most of all, it’s taught me that living in the present moment is most important. This revelation isn’t anything new, it just seems to have clicked lately.

I’ve been afraid for too long of doing what I set out to do with Holy Idea Tees in the first place: print my own tees.

However, I need help. It takes a lot for me to say that. I’m not one to ask for help. I’ve wanted to bootstrap my way to making this vision a reality but the HARSH REALITY of it all is that selling vintage T-shirts is only just enough to support my family. Not my family AND a start-up. So I’ve started a Go Fund Me page as a means of crowdfunding my idea (my “Holy Idea” if you will). It’s been a dream of mine to expand my Holy Idea Tees brand beyond vintage and print my own since its inception. The time is now. However, my plan is to create something that’s bigger than just T-shirts.

I don’t want to give it all away. You can read about my proposition by visiting my the Holy Idea Tees Go Fund Me page. What I can give you is this:

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It’s Jesus. In a T-shirt. And shorts. Holding a cell phone. It’s not the Jesus of 2000 years ago. It’s the Jesus of 2018. It’s my idea in a nutshell. I want to modernize Jesus. Make him more identifiable. My ideas and the possibilities are quite endless honestly. It all begins with this jumping off point.

With that being said, I appreciate your support in any way possible. It doesn’t have to be monetary. Send your thoughts and prayers my way. I’m gonna need ’em.

Look for more posts coming real soon. I’m gonna have some stuff for you to try on 🙂


$236 Raised after the first 24 hours! Awesome and exciting to see people get behind my idea! Every little bit counts! Share it to help me spread the word!!

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HIT Instagram

HIT Facebook

HIT Go Fund Me


Be Kind

It was an ordinary day just like any other. As usual, I was struggling with hard questions like, “What’s my purpose?”, “What am I going to do if this business idea really works?” and “What in the world am I going to fix for dinner?” and so on. Suddenly, without warning, I was swept up with this overwhelming understanding to “Be Kind.”

Honestly, I felt a bit like Kevin Costner in the movie “Field of Dreams”.


Heaven aka Iowa

Believe it or not, amidst my use of four letter words, toilet humor and the affinity for my wife’s cleavage, I’m a deep thinker. I’m in my head thinking A LOT. OCD takes on many forms. Rationalizing, calculating and weighing options (among others) are all OCD tendencies of mine (and making sure the doors are locked about 500 times before we leave the house). So, it’s hard to define anything that pops into my mind. I’ve had the thought before, I’m sure we all have, but this time it just felt different. I can’t say I heard a voice in my head, but I can’t say I didn’t either.

“God?” I questioned audibly.

“No.” It said, “It’s Rod Roddy! C’Mon DOWN!!! You’re the next contestant on the Price is Right!!!”


Well done good & faithful servant, YOU JUST WON A NEW CAR!!!

Just kidding.

There was no Rod Roddy. I hope God is nothing like Rod Roddy.

Anyway, all I heard, felt and understood was nothing more than to “Be Kind”. But what exactly does it mean to “Be Kind” and in what capacity? It would have been nice to have a follow-up voice to clarify things a little better but Kevin Costner didn’t either so I guess I have to go with my gut. Fortunately, “The Voice” was a little less cryptic with me. I know a little about being kind so let’s just say I can start by holding the door for someone, saying “thank you” more often or sharing my bucket of cheese balls with you.


Moments before gagging

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted – Aesop

Simple acts of kindness like these in and of themselves won’t change the world but as a collective if we could all just “Be kind” can you imagine what world we would live in? It’s a pipe dream at best but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it! We live in a world now where people are consumed with themselves. Looking out for “Number One” is the upmost priority and everyone else better get outta the way! While being kind may go more unnoticed, it is planting the seeds of kindness that will reap you the reward of happiness. This is a gift you can give yourself that has far more value than money, possessions or economic status.

A tree is known by it’s fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love – Saint Basil

So, why me? Why am I being asked by “The Voice” to be kind? I feel as though I’m already pretty kind as it is! Perhaps it was more of a simple idea placed into my head because YOU need to know to be kind. Maybe it wasn’t meant for me. Maybe it was meant for me to pass along to you!

I’ve always been open to where Holy Idea Tees leads me. I quit my corporate job over three years ago to pursue where I felt I was being called. It may be a little strange to think that T-shirts, vintage or otherwise, would be a place where you’re being called but sometimes you trust that things will be laid out for you. So far, after years of waiting, they slowly seem to be. As Holy Idea Tees grows and momentum builds, I’m realizing I should no longer hold back what I FEEL in my heart you NEED TO KNOW. You need to know that the world cannot survive without kindness and love. You need to know that a random act of kindness can change EVERYTHING. You need to know that sometimes it’s something as unassuming as a blog post that speaks volumes to you.

Sometimes… maybe it’s just T-shirts that can teach you to “Be Kind”. I’ve been given this platform so I intend to use it.

Stay tuned.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness – Dalai Lama




The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” – Exodus 4 vs 11-12

I’ve been going back on this verse from time to time because I feel like Holy Idea Tees and myself are here for something more. I mentioned previously my desire to print my own tees but I’m hit from all directions with fear of the unknown. I have a tendency to do this, it’s nothing new. Almost a decade ago I had to overcome my fear of being a bad dad. It was horrible. I was so wrought with pain at not knowing what was going on or what to do with my emotions (and a tiny baby) that I was rendered almost motionless. I desired to be a father but once it happened I wondered why I had wanted it. The responsibility was overwhelming and the guilt of second-guessing myself was crippling. Fortunately, with some professional help and self reflection, I came to understand myself better. Learning how to process my thoughts and fears became vital to my success as a father at that point. As she nears the age of ten, I look back and say, “Man, I wish I had the tools I have now back then.” If I did, I could’ve enjoyed more moments instead of being wound up so tight you couldn’t stick a greased BB up my butt.


Pictured: Ball of stress

Holy Idea Tees is three years old, the same age my daughter was when my stress and fear hit its peak. What I’ve come to find out lately is success in business and success in fatherhood have many similarities: both keep me up at night, both keep me second-guessing and both motivate me to keep going. Much like my daughter has become an extension of myself, so has my business. However, while my time is running out on helping form her into a strong, well-grounded woman who will be able to tackle life with confidence, the TIME IS NOW to start giving my business what it needs to make it through its grade school years.

However, unlike a child, I cannot physically comfort, love and tell my business everything is going to be okay. How do I give it what it needs to succeed? It’s simple really. It’s all up to me. I just have to stop being afraid.

That’s easier said than done.

If there’s a poster model for fear of the unknown, it’s me. I fear failing. I fear succeeding. I fear not being in control. I am so good at fearing things that if there is LITERALLY NOTHING to fear, I can create it from out of nowhere.

My fear can be found in the same cracked foundation my confidence is built upon. I’ve always had fear no matter how safe or how good I was. I seem to have always been great at talking myself out of things because I am my own worst enemy. I’ve never felt worthy and always felt guilty. It’s a terrible place to dwell in. I wouldn’t recommend it.

But why? What is it that makes me this way? I don’t think I could ever explain it. I don’t know that I even fully understand. However, what I do know, is that fear is bullshit. Whether its a fear of failure or a fear of success (because I have both) the base of both is FEAR and FEAR is simply an emotion that causes me to believe these things will cause me pain.

Is it possible for me to use the same tools I gained when learning how to navigate fatherhood? Yes, I believe it is. If history has taught me anything, I want to be on the precipice of Holy Idea Tees‘ 10 year anniversary and look back saying to myself, “What was I so worried about?”


And now, some quotes on fear that really speak to me:

The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
Dale Carnegie



When I left the corporate world, amidst all the static in my head, my intention was to change the world with my own printed T-shirts. I didn’t know exactly how I was gonna do that, but I trusted the path would be laid out for me if my heart was in the right place and I kept love as my purpose.


Now, over three years later, the static has begun to clear and I think I’m finally ready to start making my own. These last three years have been a necessity for finding out the intricacies of running a business as well as developing a comfort zone for someone like myself who needs to know EVERYTHING before jumping all in.

So what will be the purpose of printing my own tees? As simple as it sounds, I want to spread love. I want positive messages with a humorous and creative tilt and tees are a great way to express that. They are a simple medium, however, they are one of the biggest forms of expression today. They’re kind of like wearing a billboard on your chest!

Currently, in a world full of hate and vitriol, love is something we’re currently lacking. In fact, some people say it’s the answer to everything. I tend to agree. If there’s one thing we can always use more of… it’s love.

I hope I can help fill the world with a little more of it.

All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and so on, are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbor as yourself. – Jesus Christ

We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another – Jonathan Swift

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend – Martin Luther King Jr. 

Stay tuned to my Instagram, Facebook and right here on the blog for updates 🙂

If you’re the praying type, please send a few my way 🙂